Sunday, August 10, 2008

My Grandmothers: Yuka

Miwa Yanagi:

The "My Grandmothers" series is a project which visualizes the self-perceived notions of several young women when asked to imagine what type of woman they themselves might become fifty years later.

via roo


Anonymous said...

How could you find it?!
It really unique web site, isn't it!
Your choice was cool!
Another gramma is MIEKO, I like it.
She is cool, too :)

What type of Gramma...
Look great in Kimono, familiar about any Japanese culture...
One my child manage some cafe for me and I sit my sheet and talk about art, music anythings with my friends.
I want many kind of friends writer,creator,artist,musician...anyone!
Everyday discuss somethings a lot.
Clear sky, clean nice breeze and peace...
What a happy days ;)

John M. said...

I scour the nets day and night, looking for gems.

I like yours best. You should have been in that project!

Maybe one day we can sit and have some coffee and talk about all sorts of things...