I avoided math in school. Anything past algebra 2 and I'm lost.
Funny enough, I've had a few jobs that required some number work and it seems I have an aptitude for basic math. I can do percentages, figure primes and multiply bigger numbers etc. in my head...
CRAP. I'm a dick.
Hey, Michael
As a geek, I'd be proud to be a dick on that account.
I'm 3.14159, myself but I'm close to adding 265.
When I was a freshman in High School, I had to memorize the first 25 digits...I can't seem to shake the first 17.
I avoided math in school. Anything past algebra 2 and I'm lost.
Funny enough, I've had a few jobs that required some number work and it seems I have an aptitude for basic math. I can do percentages, figure primes and multiply bigger numbers etc. in my head...
Let's see... 3.14159265
I guess I'm a dick now.
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