Elizabeth Olds - A Sacred Profession Is Open to College Graduates, 1936
via Ordinary finds, a far from ordinary weblog
When have there ever been certain times?
Elizabeth Olds - A Sacred Profession Is Open to College Graduates, 1936
via Ordinary finds, a far from ordinary weblog
Good call - that's a great blog. (oh, and yes, E.Old's work is great too!)
Hey peacay, good to hear from you.
Agreed on both counts... heartily.
I love both of Bent's blogs. My hope is that I can absorb some modicum of the knowledge that he drops every day.
btw John, I've been happily following your feed for a while but feel remiss that I had forgotten to add you to the link list page. So I've done a twofer and put this and the tumblr in there.
[gawD only knows whether that leads to much traffic: I try to avoid looking at most stats other than gross visitor numbers and inbound links, which is probably how I discovered your great site!]
Wow. Thank you. BibliOdyssey and blort in the same week... what an honor.
A while back I scanned every single entry on your list. I find myself in excellent company.
Traffic will find its way. I keep an eye on visitors and subscribers, but I'm far more impressed with the quality over the quantity, judging by comments, links and blogroll adds.
(I didn't see v.ii in there, but we can wait on that one - get a little momentum going.)
Thanks again!
John, thanks for that kind mention - just got in from England this afternoon & since I didn't have much surfing time over there, I just noticed it now...
Bent at OF
Hi Bent,
You're welcome. Hope you had a good trip.
I did - very fine Kerouac conference, and as I mentioned on OF, meeting a Bodhisattva is indeed a rare, rare find...
Very nice!
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