Friday, July 18, 2008

stray bullets

A good night's sleep really does improve the brain Sleep appears to strengthen connections between communicating nerve cells in the brain - a process thought to form the basis of learning and memory. I know from experience that my brain functions better on more sleep. If I could chart it, you'd see a correlation between how well rested I am and how many typos and mistakes you'll find on this weblog. (via)

I've lost my key. Can you pass me that banana? Lock-picking enthusiasts are cracking the 'uncrackable' in increasingly creative ways. And locksmiths aren't happy about it. (via)

Buckminster Fuller Challenge Idea Index Launched The BFI has launched an interactive, searchable database of entries to the 2008 Buckminster Fuller Challenge. There are some great ideas in there. Loads of them, actually. I'm still getting through them.

An Interview With Alan Moore
Can you assemble a superteam of real human wonders?
Amon Tobin's website is amazing (some of those things that look like debris flying by are zoomable and explorable critters)

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